Total Wellness Cleanse By Yuri Elkaim – eBook PDF Program Review And Download – Does This Detox Product Work Or It’s A Scam?

Total Wellness Cleanse By Yuri Elkaim - eBook PDF ProgramFor holistic nutritionist, Yuri Elkaim, there is a close correlation between toxins and fats. Toxins abound in the air as well as in foods, water, makeup, and perfumes. A person who ingests too much toxins will give his liver a difficult time to flush them out.

The excess toxins find refuge in fat cells. They creep in, causing the fat cells to bloat. When there are more toxins in a person’s body, his fat cells become bigger. He is also at a higher risk of developing diabetes or cancer.

Elkaim meticulously explains the link between toxins and fats in his “Total Wellness Cleanse” e-book. He goes further by urging his readers to do away with toxins immediately.

The e-book’s food guide section highlights the toxic foods that people should eliminate from their diet. The section consists of 54 pages talking about everything you need to know about healthy eating and nutrition. The food recommendations are supported by various diet studies.

A recipe guide is also included in the e-book. It features 119 recipes that are simple yet delectable. Most of the recipes, such as salads and pastas, only take 10 minutes to prepare. These also make use of plant-based ingredients that are commonly found at home or at the grocery.

Elkaim admits that going organic will prevent a person from ingesting more toxins, but he is concerned about the many toxins that have piled up in fat cells. He then brings up his detoxification program, which aims to purge the accumulated toxins.

The “Total Wellness Cleanse” detox has two stages: the cleanse phase and maintenance phase. Elkaim provides detailed meal plans and shopping lists for both phases based on the recipe guide.

The detox program is easy to follow because it makes use of foods that are readily available. The recipe guides, meal plans and shopping lists are uncomplicated and coherent. It is worthy to note that Elkaim’s detox program is solely food-based. It does not require a person to take supplements and other medications.

More than 21,000 readers have vouched for the effectiveness of the “Total Wellness Cleanse.” All of them have lost weight and have never felt better in their lives. Elkaim even claims that it is possible to lose 30 lbs. in just a month with his detox program.

Click Here To Visit The Official Website To Download And Access Total Wellness Cleanse By Yuri Elkaim